Client-side API EndpointΒΆ

Unlike the other GENI API interfaces, which are all provided by an XMLRPC server at a GENI component (i.e., a slice authority, clearinghouse, component manager, aggregate manager), this is a server interface that is provided by a client! It allows a server daemon to notify a client of things that are happening to its slice. This is necessary to accomodate the full dynslice model of use.

Here, our documentation is provided in the form of a python interface. You can find this interface in a client-side dynslice library, at (specifically, the file containing this class is Here is the interface:

class ElasticSliceClientEndpoint(ProtoGeniClientServerEndpoint):
  Creates a stub elasticslice client-server API endpoint that simply
  returns SUCCESS (and prints out the RPC arguments on invocation if
  in debug mode).
  def __init__(self):

  def GetVersion(self,params=None):
      return ProtoGeniResponse(ProtoGeniClientDefs.RESPONSE_SUCCESS,

  def SetResourceValues(self,params):
      @params["nodelist"] is a list of physical node resources.  Each list
      item must have at least the following key/value pairs:

        "node_id" : "<NODE_ID>"
        "value" : float(0,1.0)

      Each list item may also have the following values, if the server sends

        "client_id" : "<CLIENT_ID>" (the client_id from the rspec, if this
                                     client has this component_id allocated)
        "component_urn" : "<COMPONENT_URN>"
      LOG.debug("SetResourceValues(%s)" % (str(params),))

      return ProtoGeniResponse(ProtoGeniClientDefs.RESPONSE_SUCCESS)

  def NotifyDeletePending(self,params):
      The server calls this method to tell us it is going to revoke some of
      our resources.  @params["nodelist"] is a list of physical
      resources it is going to revoke.  Each list item must have at
      least the following key/value pairs:

        "node_id" : "<NODE_ID>" (the physical node_id)
        "client_id" : "<CLIENT_ID>" (the client_id from the rspec, if this
                                     client has this component_id allocated)
        "max_wait_time" : <seconds>

      The server may call this method repeatedly as a sort of "countdown"
      timer (by default it gets called every minute), and it will count down
      the max_wait_time dict fields on each call.  Thus, you have multiple
      opportunities to respond when your delete jobs have finished.

      The server may specify max_wait_time of 0 if it cannot wait gracefully
      for the client to clean off the node (in which case the node may
      have been revoked by the time the client receives this message);
      otherwise it should specify how long it is willing to wait for the
      client to release the node before it forcibly takes the node back.

      The client may respond with simply success, or it can reply with
      a list of dicts that specify nodes that may be immediately
      stolen.  This list should be idential to the input list, but you
      tell the server that it can stop waiting for a particular node
      by setting max_wait_time to 0.
      LOG.debug("NotifyResourceRevocation(%s)" % (str(params),))

      return ProtoGeniResponse(ProtoGeniClientDefs.RESPONSE_SUCCESS)

  def NotifyDeleteComplete(self,params):
      The server calls this method to tell us that it has finished invoking
      the CM v2.0 DeleteNodes() method on your behalf -- so from
      Cloudlab's perspective, those nodes have been removed from your
      experiment.  @params["nodelist"] is a list of physical resources
      it is going to revoke.  Each list item must have at least the
      following key/value pairs:

        "node_id" : "<NODE_ID>" (the physical node_id)
        "client_id" : "<CLIENT_ID>" (the client_id from the rspec, if this
                                     client has this component_id allocated)
        "max_wait_time" : <seconds>

      The only valid response from this method is SUCCESS; it is ignored
      LOG.debug("NotifyResourceRevocation(%s)" % (str(params),))

      return ProtoGeniResponse(ProtoGeniClientDefs.RESPONSE_SUCCESS)
