elasticslice documentation¶
elasticslice (https://gitlab.flux.utah.edu/elasticslice/elasticslice) is a simple library that helps users write programs to dynamically and automatically resize a ProtoGENI/Cloudlab (http://www.cloudlab.us) experiment. The ProtoGENI (https://www.protogeni.net) versions of the GENI interface (http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GAPI_AM_API_V3) support dynamic addition and removal of nodes from a sliver (roughly, experiment). This means an experiment can grow and shrink depending on resource demand of the user running the experiment – and also on resource demand at the cluster at which the experiment is running.
(elasticslice requires the geni-lib library, which you can find at https://bitbucket.org/barnstorm/geni-lib . If you are a CloudLab user, it likely makes most sense to grab the CloudLab version of geni-lib at https://bitbucket.org/emulab/geni-lib . We push as many of our changes up to the official geni-lib repository, but sometimes that process takes time and/or requires changes.)